Monday, January 29, 2007


A few month ago one of my good friends told me he was gay. At first I was shocked. Thoughts were racing through my mind like a gazelle running away from the on coming predator. "What!? No..... he must be playing a joke, but Jim is perfectly normal." After some utter moments of silence I smile and tell him "Haha you're joking right." As serious as a judge convicting his own brother, Jim replies and says, "No."
Again thought start running through my head. I can't believe it. Jim! The very same Jim I had talked to all the time about girls, and the very same one whom I would feel comfortable making gay jokes to was gay. Then the inevitable question came to my head, and it apparently came to his head also. Jim then asked, "Um so, are we still friends." It took me 2 seconds two answer, but those two seconds seemed like two centuries, and then the thought came to my head. This is Jim. The very same Jim that was your friend for the past two years. Are you going to let this small issue hinder your friendship? I then reply, "Ofcourse, you're my friend."
Somehow in Catfish and Mandala, I wonder what Andrew was thinking when he found out the truth about his sister. Did he actually accept her for who she is? Or did he seem to ignore the fact that this was his sister. The same sister that has been with him through the thick and the rough.
*The name Jim was used because I had promised "Jim" not to tell anyone.

Monday, January 22, 2007

World Change

I was sitting there thinking about how the world has changed in the last twenty years. Can you imagine a world with no computers, and no cell phones.
That's kinda scary, but what I realise is that maybe if these things were never invented, then maybe our social lives would be much better. Don't these no "inventions" discourage us to go and meet. Instead of taking the hassle to go meet and talk, now we just talk online or on our cell phones.
Just a thought...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mistakes, Time, and Regret

You made a mistake, a BIG mistake. You have let everyone down including your family, your friends, and even the people you most admire.
There your are...sitting in an empty room, wondering about all the things you could have done to change your mistakes.
That was me two years ago when my highschool report card had arrived and revealed a never ending line of Straight C's. My college hopes had been tarnished, and all I wanted was some sort of Genie to take me back to the past. If given that oppurtunity, I would have surely taken advantage of it, but will I have learned my lesson?
The answer is no. Mistakes are a part of life and in order to succeed you first need to fail. In fact the more mistakes you make while you are young, the better chance you have at succeeding later on in life. The one thing one has to commit to is to focus on learning from those mistakes so you do not repeat them.
Lets flash foreward now and say that I am at UCLA and I start falling into the same habbits that occured when I was not doing so well in High School. Without having done that mistake, I would not have been able to fix myself in time and most likely would have ended with similar results.
History doesn't repeat itself, but the mistakes of history do.
Sorry for sounding to preachy. this thing is kinda new to me

Friday, January 12, 2007


Basically this is my first blog post ever.
Okay...hmmm where do i start?
OK so today i woke up at about 9 am, ate breakfast, then drove to school to catch my 11 am English class where i had a 50 min test, and for some reason for about 20 min. I just sat there thinking about what to write, and by the end of class I had produced a sad one and a half page paper of desperation. Now I am sitting here in the library typing this boring post simply because I want my 5 points for english. AHHHHH my day hasnt gone to well so far. :( f