Monday, March 12, 2007

E-portfolios new?

Now that I have a full understanding about what the e-portfolio, I began to wonder "Is this really a new thing." The term e-portfolio could be attached to many personal websites. The only thing is that they have not yet been qualified is a e-portfolios. This finding struck me with exteme happiness. Finally, the e-portfolio seemed sooo much less complicated than what I had imagined it to be. For example, take a website a biographical website about someone and THAT IS AN E-PORTFOLIO! Haha, it's amazing how simplistic the term e-potfolio is when just a few weeks ago it seemed like an impossible feet in which I was going to need extreme concentration to understand.
My own e-portfolio will be a summary of the work I have done in the past 6 month. It will hopefully be an enjoyable read because I will include some of the videos and football games I have participated in the last six month.
What I will probably do is I am going to buy a website and insert a ton of subtopics.
SO far my subtopics are...
1. Class time
A. Calc
B. English
C. Biology
D. Political Science
E. Chemistry
2. Leisure Time
A. Youtube Videos (that i am in)
B. Football Games ( just pix and game summaries)

All of the sudden I am extremly excited to do the e-portfolios!

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